
Fed up with the physical challenge? Welcome to Remote Key Injection

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When Secure Read Exchange Data (SRED) was introduced, devices had to ensure the integrity of all payment card data captured. As well as guaranteeing this data is encrypted to the highest standards. This requirement means devices must be injected with special keys so they can encrypt card data and any associated online PINs.

Certified security of SRED and PINs

Miura Systems provides industry-certified, secure Remote Key Injection (RKI) capabilities for the deployment of both SRED (Data) and PIN keys to any of its devices. It’s a cost-effective alternative to a complex and cumbersome Key Injection Facility (KIF).

By injecting PIN pads remotely, at the time of on-site activation, shipment and administration logistics costs are greatly reduced and PIN pads don’t need to be moved to and from a KIF. So, PIN debit and other data encryption keys, such as those used for point-to-point encryption (P2PE), can be safely and securely injected, wherever the PIN pad is located.

Unlimited PIN pads, unlimited benefits

To recap, with RKI there’s no more reliance on a KIF or knowing in advance what keys need to be loaded prior to shipping a device. Instead, you’ll have the freedom of an unlimited number of PIN pads that can be injected instantly – wherever they are in the world and with whatever keys you choose.

RKI optimises all logsitics costs, downtime and disruptions. It also reduces administrative costs and overheads associated with the key management process. If your end merchant switches end processors or acquirers, you can keep calm and carry on – you won’t be constrained by having costly returns and device reworks. And since you only need to load keys that will actually be used, you can wave goodbye to unnecessary costly injections.

Make today the day you step up your security without costly compromise and move to a true RKI solution.